The Squirrel Symbolism & Spiritual Meaning


There is much more than meets the eye in the squirrel and its symbolism: As we look closer and deeper into its hidden meanings, we can find joy, playfulness, and wisdom that can teach us to be more humble in our own lives. As the saying goes, ‘There is more to life than what we can see’ and the spirit of the squirrel shows just how true that is.

Symbolism of the squirrel

As with most things, there is no one definition or no one way to see it. Generally, the squirrel represents:

  • Renewal
  • Adaptability
  • Change
  • Spirit
  • Playfulness
  • Resourcefulness
  • Connection with earth and sky energies
  • Gratitude
  • Foresight

Symbolism at-a-glance

Squirrels are lovely creatures, and like many other animals, they have their own lore and symbolism. Yet even with all these different lore, there is one common thread of the squirrel running through various cultures. Some have called it the “changer” because of its habits of returning to the same place at the same time every year, only to find that something about it seems different.

With the spirit of the squirrel in our hearts, we too can see beyond our current limitations and break free from the mundane fabrics of life. As we wake up and view life more grounded in ourselves and our environment we find that for once everything seems brighter and easier to understand.

A guide to renewal: Time to try something different

The squirrel spirit animal comes to us as a reminder to renew our spirit. Though its physical form is that of a small, furry creature, it is in fact far wiser and more powerful than many people assume. The squirrel spirit animal calls us to be more conscious as we move through life. It wants us to realize that it is not enough to be alive; we must evolve by learning from the lessons of the past and look forward toward the future with an open mind and positive attitude.

It teaches us that we need to shift our perspective and look at things from different angles. This will allow us to shift our own experience so we can see things differently. This creature reminds us not to get stuck in the same pattern or routine, but to try something new.

When the squirrel spirit animal shows up in our life, it reminds us that we all have the ability to shift and change, and there is no reason why we cannot be different than we are now, if we choose to be. It is up to us what we do with this information.

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Stay positive

The squirrel spirit animal wants us to have a positive outlook on life no matter what is going on around us. This creature could be showing up in our lives because we need to change our perspective. The squirrel will show up when our dreams are being threatened or when someone puts doubt into our minds about what we can do. It is trying to tell us that we have the strength within us to overcome any type of adversity that comes into our lives, and that if we want something enough, then it is possible.

It encourages us to take time for ourselves and allows us the opportunity to discover who we are and what we love about this world. It shows us that we can create the life that we want, if we are willing to learn from our mistakes and try again. It tells us to not give up on our goals, because though it may be hard, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

A master at adaptability

The squirrel shows us that we need to adjust and adapt as situations present themselves. It teaches us that we need to change as things happen, and be like water as it flows around obstacles and changes its shape as needed. It is important to be flexible, accommodating, and pliable. We will find that the more we think outside of the box, and do things differently than we normally would, the happier and more fulfilled we will become.

Another way in which the squirrel has a lesson for us is by teaching us how to be responsive rather than reactive. It shows us how we can respond instead of always reacting; this way we can put our own reactions into perspective before they escalate into larger problems or conflict.

This guide shows us how joyful it is to change, transform and grow in this life. It reminds us that we can be agile, pliable and adapt in order to move in the direction of our dreams. It’s okay to explore, to take risks and try new things. There are no mistakes in this world; everything happens for a reason. The spirit of the squirrel teaches us how take a leap of faith and turn our dreams into reality. It shows us that if we are creative, fearless, and resourceful, then anything is possible.

Symbol of playfulness

Squirrels are easily amused and it’s hard to stay in a bad mood in their presence. They also lend themselves well to funny videos on YouTube where they go around eating nuts and not being able to open them. That’s because they embody joy and a kind of energy which make them a symbol of playfulness.

This creature shows us how important it is to play in this life. He teaches us to have fun, to embrace life and be lighthearted. In the eyes of the squirrel, life is a gift and it is important to not take this gift for granted. We must never take ourselves too seriously because this is the best way to miss out on the wonders of life. It encourages us to be spontaneous and have fun.

Trust your resourcefulness

The squirrel shows us that each person has the ability to be different than they are, but this requires us to step out of our own lives and explore something new. The spirit of the squirrel is about embracing change rather than fighting it. It is telling us that there is no problem which cannot be solved if we are willing to look for options other than the ones we currently see.

The squirrel shows us that the answers are all around us – it will just take some time to find them. The spirit of the squirrel reminds us that we can create anything we want if we’re willing to put in the effort and explore new ideas and opportunities. The squirrel shows us that it doesn’t matter what status or situation we find ourselves in, because there will always be a way out! Everything comes with a solution because life is full of solutions. If we are willing to seek them out, there is no problem which cannot be solved.

A lesson of gratitude for what we have

The body of the squirrel is small, yet the creature is able to survive and thrive by simply being at one with nature. It builds its home in trees, and seeks out food from what is freely available. It does not control nature, but only takes what it needs at a given time. The spirit of the squirrel teaches us about gratitude for everything in life.

When we choose to live life with a spirit animal such as the squirrel, we can learn to be satisfied with what we have and “live within our means”. By taking these things into consideration, we can ensure long-term stability and happiness. The squirrel teaches us that it is not always necessary for us to take more or grasp for things which are out of our reach. This creature reminds us to appreciate the world around us, rather than trying to manipulate it. The squirrel is a reminder that by taking small steps every day, we can achieve anything we desire if we are willing to work towards it!

A warning against doing too many things at once

The squirrel’s warning may be about what you store in your head. When too many thoughts are telescoping and interfering with each other, the squirrel shows up with its bushy tail to remind you to slow down. It is telling you not to take on more than you can handle. When this animal appears in your life, it is sending you a message that you are taking on more responsibility or duties than are rightfully yours to complete.

The squirrel’s warning may be about the need to keep your thoughts organized and compartmentalized. This animal guides the person who is overly occupied with too many ideas, plans, or projects that they can’t adequately manage their time and energy. The squirrel’s warning may also be about the need to clear your mind and let go of worries. This animal guides the person experiencing too many thoughts, and too much mental activity that is getting them nowhere. It is asking you to stop spreading your mental energy too thin. It’s probably time to take a step back so you don’t reach a state of critical exhaustion that could prevent you from making beneficial decisions.

Grounding ourselves in our body though the Earth energies

The spirit of the squirrel has deep connection with the earth; this is one reason it thrives by building its home nest-like in trees. When we connect with the spirit of this animal, we can be reminded to be in tune with the earth and the elements around us. We can learn to use our surroundings in a positive and empowering way, and gain energy from the earth’s elements when we do so.

The squirrel is a guide when you are feeling out of touch with ‘mother earth’ and need to be more grounded in yourself and your environment. We often see grounding stones, tree roots and plants, walking or running as ways to connect with the energies of the earth. Similarly, the squirrel will gently bring you back into your body and helps heal any dis-ease or discomfort you may be experiencing.

The squirrel teaches you that you need to ground yourself into your own body and take care of your own needs. Taking care of yourself will allow you to take more responsibility for other things around you as well as those in your immediate environment.

Raise your spirit though your connection with Sky energies

The squirrel is also deeply connected to the sky. Often, they are seen leaping high into the air, out of one tree and onto another. This teaches us that it is up to us to decide which direction we want to go in life – it is not what happens to us or what others do which determines our future, but rather our own choices and actions. The squirrel also teaches us that it is okay to let go of something if it is no longer working for us; by connecting with this animal through meditation or visualization, we can be inspired to make positive changes in our lives.

The spirit of the squirrel can also teach us to look to the skies for answers when something seems out of reach. By looking up, we can see new horizons which were previously unexplored. By connecting with the squirrel, we can learn to see things in a different light. The spirit of this animal teaches us that there is always an opportunity for something new to happen, and that there is no reason to be afraid of change. We may not always like what we see, but if we are willing to look at things before us differently, we can create new connections and make lasting changes in our lives.

An invitation to break from your routine

In both our physical and spiritual worlds, the squirrel reminds us of the need to adapt and change. Just like he’s a master at adaptation to the change of seasons and circumstances in nature, in our physical world, we need to learn to adapt to different situations. We should take time out of our routines or perhaps go on a journey to a different place so that we can see the world in a different way. We need to take time out of our routines and learn to meet ourselves with a different perspective.

The squirrel spirit animal tells us that we do not have to stay in the same place, doing the same things or doing things in a way that we have done before. We can thoroughly explore new areas and learn something about ourselves by looking at it through another lens. There is no reason why we cannot explore new possibilities and become who we want to be.

The wisdom of forgetfulness

Sometimes, the squirrel is absent-minded: when the time comes, he will not remember all his storage places. These oversights are not serious for his survival. The squirrel is telling you that you are allowed to forget a few things, if you have taken enough precautions. Moreover, the squirrel teaches you that the treasures you don’t use will not be lost to everyone. In nature, forgotten hiding places can be discovered by a lucky squirrel. Or the nutrients buried in the soil will give birth to new shoots and the squirrel will participate in the renewal of plant life.

What message does the squirrel bring to you through this? It is an optimistic message that nothing is lost. What you forget to use for yourself will eventually be useful to someone else. It may be a benefit to society. This type of imperfection can actually help us succeed in life by pointing out the paradox of the squirrel. The lack of perfection with is not a flaw but an asset as it teaches us to do our best with what you have given and forget about some stuff that’s low on our priority list.

Symbol of long-term planning

Squirrels are famous for their forward-thinking, and their ability to store nuts before the winter. Squirrels remind us to be vigilant, watchful because we can never know what lies ahead of us.

This animal guide will be present when you are experiencing issues with money or foresight.

If you’re having difficulty with planning ahead and securing your future, try to work with its energy.  Squirrels may encourage you to start saving more money, to be more practical in life, or even to start planning for the future. If you have squirrels showing up often in your life, think about how you can improve yourself in these areas.

What does it mean when you dream of a Squirrel?

Let’s remember that the dream is a means used to reveal something that is working on you at the inner level. The meaning of your dream will depend on your personal associations with the animal and the scenario of your dream.

You dream about jumping from branch to branch. You see an agile squirrel and you cross a forest, in a state of weightlessness. Its movements do not require any effort. This dream is a promise of success and satisfaction. Your skills will be rewarded. You feel great joy and good about yourself.

The squirrel misses a branch or falls. This dream is a visualization of your feelings of failure. Or maybe you would like to be as dexterous and light as the squirrel, but something is stopping you. The squirrel in this dream is asking you to quietly analyze your situation, in order to understand what is the source of your troubles.

You see a squirrel going around looking for food. Taken at the first degree, it may point to the fact that you did not eat enough, and in order not to wake up, you virtually satisfy your hunger. The other interpretation is that the food in the dream symbolizes all your dearest wishes. And they are at your fingertips! When you wake up you will feel a renewed optimism and hope that your squirrel will bring you luck. If, on the contrary, this dream turns into a nightmare or an anxiety dream, it means that you are like to suffer a setback or challenges.

You dream about a small and cozy nest in a tree cavity. As with the mouse spirit animal, the dream of curling up in the welcoming softness of a squirrel’s nest, safe from all danger and misfortune, symbolizes your desire to return to a womb-like feeling of safety, or the desire to build a warm and protective home for yourself and your family.

Interesting facts about the squirrel

Squirrel nests are a marvel of discretion. Braided with small branches and grasses, lined with moss, between two tree branches, they blend into the scenery and isolate their occupants from the view and the weather. The squirrel assures you that if you are of a fearful and anxious temperament, your refuge will offer you relaxation.

The European red squirrel has been greatly threatened by the introduction of grey squirrels from North America. The mortality of red squirrels is not due to fighting between the two species. The gray squirrel simply competed strongly with the red squirrel for food resources. The gray squirrel also passed on to the red squirrel a deadly disease to which it is immune, and the British Isles in particular has seen the rapid, almost total disappearance of red squirrels.

A message from your squirrel spirit animal

Stay young-hearted, only look for what’s new and never be afraid to try different things. Be open and curious of the world around you and what you can become. Don’t put limits on life because life is so much more than you think it is. There is no need for worry because everything comes to you in its time and in its right order.

To sum it up

If you have the squirrel in your life, it means that you are about to come into a time of personal growth and change. It could be a good time to try out some new things, meet new people and get rid of old habits. The squirrel also encourages you to trust your instincts and stay true to what really makes you happy.

It symbolizes that we should always be grateful for the small things in life because they help build our happiness and enrich our lives even more than we might know at the moment.  It shows that in life circumstances, there is often so much more than meets the eye, but we sometimes must work hard at finding out what those other things are! It reminds us that the little things bring us joy, and that life itself is one big adventure.

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